Sunday, April 1, 2012

Octavia and Vicky

My name is Kylie and Octavia and Vicky is a space I have designed to share my love of writing. It's not on blogger anymore, you can visit it here.

I am wife to Paul and mum to Charlotte, two years old. I juggle my time between being a mum and working part-time as a junior primary teacher, then trying to fit the rest of life in around those two BIG jobs. I also love to cook and eat, read and write, shop and surf (the net!).

I named my blog Octavia and Vicky after a story I wrote when I was five years old, about a spider named Octavia and her young friend, Vicky. My mum still has a copy of that tattered story today. Aw, bless!

Please come over to Octavia and Vicky and say hi! I love visitors.

p.s. Fellow bloggers may be wondering: Why did I use my blogger ID instead of my Wordpress ID to comment on your blog? Because there are ongoing issues with this that are yet to be solved, many Wordpress commenters are frustrated by issues with the Blogger commenting system. If you have a Blogger/blogspot blog please add a Name and URL option for commenters so that they can leave some comment love for you. Thank you.